Gregory Lees (Engineering Group/London), Tom Parry (Engineering Group/Brighton), Philippa Power (Engineering Group/Bristol), Phillip Price (Biotechnology Group/Brighton), Daniel Rowe (Biotechnology Group/Oxford) and Andreas Senft (Engineering Group/Munich) have become partners in the Firm.
Mark Scott (Chemical Group/Brighton) and Tom Williams (Engineering Group/Brighton) have become Senior Associates.
We also have seven new associates: David Fleming (Chemical Group/London), James Godfrey (Engineering Group/London), Christian Mather (Engineering Group/Brighton), Amelia Rogers (Engineering Group/Oxford), Andrew Sharpe (Engineering Group/Munich), Matthew Sullivan (Chemical Group/Brighton) and Conor Wilman (Engineering Group/London).
We extend our sincere congratulations to all of the above on their considerable achievements and wish them every success in their new roles.