Andrew Sharpe



Andrew graduated in 2015 with a first class Master’s degree in Physics from the University of Sheffield, having also spent time in Norway studying at the University of Bergen. His latter studies focussed on quantum mechanics and semiconductor physics. In his final year, he used computational methods to explore the conditions for superfluidity of exciton-polaritons in semiconductor microcavities.

He spent the following two years teaching English and tutoring physics and maths in Barcelona, where he learnt to speak Spanish.

Andrew joined the Dehns Munich office in October 2017 and qualified as a European and Chartered UK Patent Attorney in 2021. He became an Associate in 2023.



Andrew handles patent work in a variety of engineering-based fields with a focus on aeronautical engineering, medical devices and renewable energy.


Qualifications and Memberships

  • Authorised Representative before the Unified Patent Court (UPC) 2023
  • UK Patent Attorney, 2021
  • European Patent Attorney, 2021


Higher Education

MPhys, University of Sheffield, 2015

PGCert Intellectual Property Law, Queen Mary University, London, 2019

Contact details

Theresienstr. 6-8
80333 Munich

+49 (0)89 2422 8130


mechanical engineering, electronics, physics