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With over a century of experience, we’re proud of our reputation and our top tier ranking for our Intellectual Property work. We’re also proud of the ethos of our staff across the UK and Europe, who work with individuals and businesses to deliver jargon-free ambitious solutions and innovative results, protecting you and your business.

6,753 Patent applications filed in 2023
3,349 European patent applications filed in 2023
300+ People
8 Offices

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Getting to know us before we get to know you

We offer a stimulating working environment and as a progressive firm we want to invest in the brightest and most talented individuals from all walks of life. We value our people in every area of the business and pride ourselves on a collaborative and open approach across all offices.

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Meet our people

We are a leading European intellectual property firm, with more than 300 people across eight offices, and with an internationally renowned reputation.

CSR - growth

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our CSR initiatives define who we are as a firm

They are a vital part of business, not only for our employees but our clients as well. We aim to involve every member of Dehns in our CSR programme to promote the core values and behaviours that underpin our identity.

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