Armin Daszki

Trainee Patent Attorney


Armin joined Dehns in 2021 as a Trainee Patent Attorney after completing a PhD in Material Science at Imperial College London. His research focused on the nucleation and microstructure of βSn in lead free solders, particularly in the presence of intermetallic compounds. Prior to this, Armin graduated from Imperial College London with a first class MEng degree in Materials Science and Engineering.


Type of clients and client work

Armin assists a wide range of clients from multinational companies with international patent portfolios, to small enterprises and individual inventors. A particular area of interest includes working with researchers from Universities and associated Technology Transfer Offices (TTO) from around Europe, including Norway and the Baltic states.



Armin works in a range of technical fields of engineering and sciences. Particular areas of technology include commercial and residential refrigeration, oil and gas, sensor systems, gas turbine engines, constructions systems, access control devices, as well as in vivo and ex vivo medical devices an medical diagnosis systems.


Qualifications and Memberships

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Intellectual Property Law, Bournemouth University, 2022
  • Student Member of CIPA (Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys)


Higher Education

MEng, Materials Science & Engineering (First Class Honours), Imperial College London, 2016

PhD, Material Science, Imperial College London, 2021 (Thesis title: Nucleation and Microstructure Study of βSn in Lead-Free Solders)

Contact details

St Bride’s House
10 Salisbury Square
United Kingdom

+44 (0)20 7632 7200


mechanical engineering