It was great to share pharmaceutical patenting insights with the panel and our audience at the “Patent Challenges in the Pharma Industry” session of yesterday’s Innovation & IP Forum in Paris.

There were so many interesting topics that we would have needed a time machine to get through everything we had hoped! The few topics we did manage to cover were:

  • Brexit (of course!)
  • Claim formatting in different jurisdictions
  • Dosage regimes
  • Consistency of claims and arguments between jurisdications
  • Patenting biologics
  • Patent “Evergreening”
  • Basics of SPCs and the scope of a “Product” in the SPC regulation

One topic we didn’t have time to discuss was the Abraxis CJEU referral and how it is likely to impact SPCs, especially for second medical indication patents. As one of my follow-ups to the event, I’ve written an article on this so that you can catch up on a small part of the material we would like to have covered if there had been more time.

Please get in contact with me for more information on the Abraxis CJEU referral, and how this might affect your business, or on any of the other topics discussed.